What is lean muscle mass?
Lean muscle mass refers to the weight of your muscles without fat. Having more lean muscle is beneficial for reasons including:
- Increased metabolism: Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest. More muscle = higher metabolism = easier weight control.
- Improved strength: More lean muscle allows you to lift heavier weights and perform better physically. You'll be less likely to get injured doing everyday tasks.
- Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Research shows that lean muscle mass correlates with reduced risks of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other conditions.
So how do you build lean muscle? Bottom line - you need to combine strength training with proper nutrition. But there's more to it than pumping iron and protein shakes. Here's a quick primer:
- Lift challenging weights: Low-rep sets with heavy weights stimulate muscle growth better than high reps with light weights. Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts are most effective.
- Get enough protein: Shoot for 0.7-1 gram per pound of body weight, from food and shakes. Optimum Hormone Solutions offers customized meal plans to help clients optimize protein intake.
- Allow for rest and recovery: Muscles grow during downtime, not just during workouts. Take at least 1-2 rest days per week for best results.
- Consider supplements: Creatine, beta-alanine, citrulline, and Optimum Hormone Solutions testosterone supplements can provide additional benefit. Ask one of our * muscle-building pros* for guidance.
With consistency, hard work, and an evidence-based workout and diet strategy tailored to your body and goals, you can maximize lean muscle gains. Our qualified staff at Optimum Hormone Solutions offer personal training, blood analysis, and supplement recommendations to help guys just like you make lean mass gains.