Hormone deficiency

Hormone deficiency occurs when glands in the endocrine system produce too little or none of certain hormones. This throws the body out of balance and disrupts normal processes. Common symptoms include fatigue, mood changes, sexual dysfunction, bone loss, and more.
Causes vary depending on the gland and hormone. Aging can decrease hormones naturally over time. Diseases, infections, injuries or treatments like radiation/chemotherapy sometimes damage glands. Genetic conditions also prevent adequate hormone production. Doctors diagnose deficiencies via blood tests, physical exams and medical histories.

If untreated, deficiencies lead to further health complications like osteoporosis, heart disease and infertility. Thankfully, doctors can prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to restore optimal levels. This may involve pills/patches with synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones matching natural ones or adrenal/testes extracts. Most patients report greatly improved wellbeing on HRT.

Mild cases sometimes resolve through lifestyle modifications. These include healthy diet, exercise, stress reduction and supplements that provide building blocks for hormones. Patients should have levels retested every 3-6 months to confirm improvement or determine if medications are needed.

When considering HRT, consult experts like those at Optimum Hormone Solutions to explore options fully. Their compassionate physicians provide cutting-edge therapies to help patients feel their best again. Convenient virtual or in-person appointments, affordable self-pay rates and top-notch care give peace of mind. Read more patient reviews on their website.

In summary, hormone imbalance stems from diverse causes but smart testing and treatment can mitigate symptoms. Work with an endocrinologist or hormone specialist to correct deficiencies through lifestyle changes, HRT or alternative medicine. Pay attention to your body and address any persistent issues promptly. Services at Optimum Hormone Solutions make balancing hormones easier than ever before!

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